
To create an innovative platform for the study of human habitat through multi-dimensional lenses addressing the four pillars of our pedagogy, namely - Urbanism, Technology, History & Environment.


We seek to engage students of architecture:-------

  • To be responsive to the natural, technological, cultural, and social environments through the systematic development of an aesthetic attitude, a technical confidence, and critical thinking.
  • by offering a diverse, interdisciplinary and rigorous curriculum led by an accomplished faculty in a clever mix of comprehensive studio and outdoor environment by engaging with citizens' groups, local community organizations, the private sector, and the profession toward the improvement of the built environment.
  • by providing opportunities to challenge students to develop their abilities in problem solving, creative thinking, and informed decision-making as a focus of their professional education and thereby to nurture a student-centered environment for personal development and professional excellence.

"To Promote Excellence in Academic and Training activities by inspiring students for becoming competent professionals to cater Industrial and Social Needs"

Quality Policies

The prime goal of TKCOA is to nurture in-depth capabilities in Art, design, science, technology, management, humanities, sociology and law to accelerate the pace of applied skills and facilitate its transition into applications, which will create human resources for sustainable Atmanirbhar Bharat and to promote sustainable and inclusive cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of 'Smart' Solutions.